Sunday, October 4, 2009

Good-Bye Grand, Grand Rapids

My body's ready, but my brain is not!  I still haven't wrapped my brain around all this art.  And I'm sad that I didn't get to see every last entry.  Jessica just dropped me off at the airport a few minutes ago and I am sitting  at gate A2 waiting for my first flight through Mpls.   It looks like a promise of a beautiful day. Blue sky and the clouds are breaking up for jubilant rays of sunshine.   We schlepped through the rain all day yesterday and I fought with a crazy umbrella  capable of olympian calisthenics.  I'll still be posting my top ten when I can organize the images.  But here's a few more that I never got posted.

I wish this next one had been in a venue that showed it off.  This a room full of translucent elastic cords stretched from floor to ceiling.  It was in another old abandoned factory and this area was filled with them.

I know I haven't been relating the contents of artist statements, and it's a shame.  I suppose I could've posted a link to every one of these images, but it's an overwhelming task - and I could find them (if you give me plenty of notice) if anybody out there is intrigued and needs more.

No, I'm not trying to pass this off as a work of art.   It's a photo Jessica took of me right near the Lighthouse in Holland - a place I'd really enjoying come back to some day.    It could happen.  I'm already trying to figure out what  I might do to enter next year.  Anyone  (with a trust fund) interested in collaborating . . .

They're setting up the doorway to board.
Have a great Sunday!