Pre-registration for ArtPrize voting begins today. And we received a notice about all our event signage just the other day. The signage kit will include the following:
-Official Voting Label (name, location, title of work and voting ID numbers)
-Pre-printed laser-compatible paper w/ official artist seal
-Clear re-sealable envelopes (for outdoor work)
-Downloadable PDF files for printing a work statement or new voting label
It’s overwhelming to think about all there is to do this week to get ready and then the following fourteen days in Grand Rapids. I’ve been piling the stuff I plan to take in an open suitcase in the corner of my bedroom. Believe me, I’ve never been a list maker (I’d rather go to the dentist) but the unbearable has suddenly become mandatory.
But one thing’s for sure, I won’t feel like a stranger when I arrive in Grand Rapids. There are a number of ArtPrize artists, like the arborglyph carvers, that I feel I already know from their Facebook “glyphs” and artist pages. I also know there are at least a half dozen printmakers and about the same number of artists who work in cut paper. The exciting thing is we won’t be alone when it comes to Idaho artists. Roger Rowley, artist and Gallery Director at the U of I Pritchard Gallery will be showing his 10' x 20' photo installation entitled Fruit Plate at the Arts Council of Greater Grand Rapids. I'm really looking forward to meeting him and seeing his work.
The image above happens to be the front door of the home of Deborah and Tom, the generous couple in Grand Rapids who will graciously share their home with me during my stay in their art-venturous city. And, can you believe it, they even have a dog named Louie!
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