Found this image by a Jason Ross on google images this morning while I was looking for a Grand Rapids skyline to post. The sunset scene caught my eye and reminded me of the gorgeous sunset I saw last week-end. The church reminded me of an exhibition at the Grand Rapids Museum that I'm looking forward to visiting. Their website features an exhibition called Newcomers: The People of This Place with the tag line "Moving to a bewildering new land isn't easy. But you work and learn, and persevere. You build a family, and a community, and then you are home." Reminds me of our own work Immigrant Shadows and our new connection to Grand Rapids.
I'm looking forward to visiting this museum because I learned from their website the exhibition includes a Baldacchino commissioned by Sicilian immigrants for a church. Not only that, they mentioned a GR neighborhood called Little Italy. Which probably means Italian restaurants . . . and markets. Buon Appetito!
A presto!
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