I'm adding just a few more photos from the remainder of our day, so take a look. Here's Earle posing by a starburst of traffic cones.
Looks like my camera had a slight case of the blues here, but you can still see some of the ArtPrize signage.
We met the artist of these ceramic pieces tonight and Meegan bought one! I would've bought one, too, if I had some spare cash, but . . .
This is a scene across the Grand River from the fish ladder. It was on our way back to meet Meegan and we decided to stroll along the river. Earle and I stopped by the fish ladder the other day and watched the salmon climb up the ladder. The fisherman are out here like mad fishing all day long. If you enlarge this one you'll be able to see a few in their waders.
That's it. Gone fishin'